--High school senior or graduate
--Attended one or more of these high schools for your entire high school experience: Colonel Crawford High School, Bucyrus High School, Wynford High School, Buckeye Central High School, Bellevue High School
--Ranked in the upper 25%, but not top 5%, of your graduating class
--Maintained a GPA of 2.5 or greater
--Special consideration is given to students involved in music programs (ex. band, orchestra, choir)
Number Awarded: 1 scholarship may be awarded to each of these HS: Buckeye Central HS, Bucyrus HS, Colonel Crawford HS, Wynford HS; 2 scholarships may be awarded to Bellevue Senior HS in memory of Herbert & Freida Collier
For more information: call 740.387.9704; Apply online at
Application includes 2 letters of recommendations.